
Returning the log files, make note of the volume fraction assigned and calculated during the homogenization and meshing process:

STL file start pre-processing

Homogenizing STL 2...
Reading Lattice.stl
Reading in native format...
Binary STL file
Bounding box:
 2.172730E+00 <= x <= 2.777782E+01
 2.172791E+00 <= y <= 2.777775E+01
 5.929890E-01 <= z <= 1.943214E+01

Number of vertices  = 222,600
Number of triangles = 74,200
Finished reading Lattice.stl

Equivalencing vertices
Number of unique vertices = 35,972
Finished vertex equivalencing

Original STL volume     =    149.531685569228
Seeding STL vertices with max length    8.00000000000000...
Number of seeded points = 35,972

Pseudo-randomizing vertex ordering...
Getting Delaunay triangulation for 35972 points...

Number of tetrahedrons = 248850
Wall time for tetrahedralization = 0.91153

Alpha radius = 10.0000000000000
Filtering 2187 tetrahedrons...
Number of hull triangles = 2662
Finished writing binary STL file Lattice_concavity.stl
Homogenized STL volume = 8639.01118122283
Volume fraction = 1.7308889E-02

Homogenizing STL 3...
Reading Support1_Solid.stl
Reading in native format...
Binary STL file
Bounding box:
-9.002001E+00 <= x <=   1.000000E+00
 1.000000E+01 <= y <=   2.000000E+01
 0.000000E+00 <= z <=   1.943000E+01

Number of vertices = 93,636
Number of triangles = 31,212
Finished reading Support1_Solid.stl

Equivalencing vertices
Number of unique vertices = 14,276
Finished vertex equivalencing

Seeding STL vertices with max length    12.0000000000000...
Number of seeded points = 14,332

Pseudo-randomizing vertex ordering...
Getting Delaunay triangulation for 14332 points...

Number of tetrahedrons = 84955
Wall time for tetrahedralization = 0.26255

Alpha radius =    15.0000000000000
Filtering 604 tetrahedrons...
Number of hull triangles = 4648
Finished writing binary STL file Support1_Solid_concavity.stl
Volume fraction =    0.2200000

Homogenizing STL 4...
Reading Support2_0Thickness_Loose.stl
Reading in native format...
Binary STL file
Bounding box:
 1.743000E+01 <= x <= 3.065200E+01
 2.484200E+01 <= y <= 3.813200E+01
 0.000000E+00 <= z <= 1.940400E+01

Number of vertices = 17,937
Number of triangles = 5979
Finished reading Support2_0Thickness_Loose.stl

Equivalencing vertices
Number of unique vertices = 5051
Finished vertex equivalencing

Calculating surface normals
Original STL surface area =    462.472214730474
Original STL volume       =    101.743887240704
Seeding STL vertices with max length    4.00000000000000...
Number of seeded points = 5120

Pseudo-randomizing vertex ordering...
Getting Delaunay triangulation for 5120 points...

Number of tetrahedrons = 28056
Wall time for tetrahedralization = 0.0910063

Alpha radius =    5.00000000000000
Filtering 451 tetrahedrons...
Number of hull triangles = 2964
Finished writing binary STL file Support2_0Thickness_Loose_concavity.stl
Homogenized STL volume =    924.134388621194
Volume fraction = 0.1100964

Homogenizing STL 5...
Reading Support3_0Thickness_Fine.stl
Reading in native format...
Binary STL file
Bounding box:
 1.731400E+01 <= x <=    3.065600E+01
-7.656000E+00 <= y <=    5.682000E+00
 0.000000E+00 <= z <=    1.937400E+01

Number of vertices  = 73,137
Number of triangles = 24,379
Finished reading Support3_0Thickness_Fine.stl

Equivalencing vertices
Number of unique vertices = 19,241
Finished vertex equivalencing

Calculating surface normals
Original STL surface area =    1113.08966895905
Original STL volume       =    166.963450343858
Seeding STL vertices with max length     4.00000000000000...
Number of seeded points = 19,409

Pseudo-randomizing vertex ordering...
Getting Delaunay triangulation for 19409 points...

Number of tetrahedrons = 114150
Wall time for tetrahedralization = 0.390239

Alpha radius = 5.00000000000000
Filtering 2006 tetrahedrons...
Number of hull triangles = 7888
Finished writing binary STL file Support3_0Thickness_Fine_concavity.stl
Homogenized STL volume =    933.467339324015
Volume fraction =    0.1788637

For each of the four homogenized geometries, the solve calculates the original STL volume and the homogenized volume. For all but the solid support structure, the volume fraction is then calculated. For the solid support structure the volume fraction has been directly assigned and is reported as 0.22. The volume fractions are:

Figure 3 displays the displacement results of the thermo-mechanical simulation at the end of the build process, after part cool-down. The part has been warped by displacement with no additional magnification. The support structure to the fore of the picture is the Solid support, assigned a volume fraction of 0.22, to the left is the Loose zero-thickness support, with a calculated volume fraction of 0.11, and to the right the Fine zero thickness support, with the largest volume fraction, calculated to be 0.178. The Solid and Fine supports exhibit an equivalent trend and value of distortion, while the Loose lattice-type support shows roughly 25% more distortion than the other supports.

Figure 3: STL homogenization example displacement results

Figure 4 gives the structure type results at the end of the simulation, which is most useful in this case for investigating support structure failures. The figure has been filtered to show only the support structure and failed support structure types. This shows that these disparate support types all exhibit similar levels of failure.

Figure 4: STL homogenization example support failure results