Command Line Options for Batch Utility

You can use command line switches to covert files with the Batch Utility. To do this, you need to create a list of files that you want to process. This file must be a UTF-8 encoded text file containing file paths or file specs, one on each line, and without any quotation marks. For example:

C:\My Documents\Test\C3D_Site.dwg

C:\My Documents\Test\Architectural Model.nwc

C:\My Documents\Test\C3D.nwf

Command Line Switch Description
/i Must be specified. The next argument is the input file. You must provide the file name and file path within quotation marks.
/of Outputs to a single file (NWD or NWF). The file name and file path should be provided within quotation marks. For example, “C:\temp\a.nwd” or “C:\temp\a.nwf”.
/od Outputs multiple NWD files into a specific folder. The folder path should be provided within quotation marks. For example, “C:\temp”.
/osd Outputs multiple NWD files into the same directory as the model being converted (the input files).
/view Automatically open the file as soon as it’s been created.
/over Overwrites output files. This is the default behavior.
/inc Increments output file names.
/version Specifies the output file version to use. For example, 2015.
/log Outputs events into a log file. You must provide the file name and file path within quotation marks. For example, “C:\temp\log.log”.
/appndlog Records new and old events in the same log file. The new information is appended to the bottom of the log file.
/lang Specifies the language to use when logging. You can use one of the following arguments: en-US = English, de-DE = German, es-ES = Spanish, fr-FR = French, it-IT = Italian, ja-JP = Japanese, ko-KR = Korean, pt-BR = Brazilian Portuguese, ru-RU = Russian, zh-CN = Chinese (PRC).

The syntax for using command line switches is:

FileToolsTaskRunner.exe /i <input file> [/of <output file>|/od <output dir>|/osd] [/view] [/over|/inc] [/lang <lang>] [/version <version>]

For example, the following entry processes the list of design files in the filetools.txt file, appends them into a single conference.nwd file, and creates a log file events.log in French language.

"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Navisworks Manage 2022\FileToolsTaskRunner.exe" /i "C:\Conference Center\filetools.txt" /of "C:\Conference Center\conference.nwd" /log "C:\Conference Center\events.log" /lang fr-fr

The following entry processes the list of design files in the filetools.txt file, appends them into a single conference.nwd file, and saves it to 2013 NWD file format version.

"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Navisworks Manage 2015\FileToolsTaskRunner.exe" /i "C:\Conference Center\filetools.txt" /of "C:\Conference Center\conference.nwd" /version 2013