Adjust Scene Rendering During Navigation

Your models can range in size from small models to complex supermodels. As you navigate a scene in real time, Autodesk Navisworks automatically calculates which items to render first, based on the size of items, distance from the camera, and the specified frame rate. This customizable frame rate is guaranteed by default, but can be turned off, if necessary. Items that Autodesk Navisworks does not have time to render are dropped out. These dropped items are rendered when navigation stops.

The amount of drop-out depends on several factors, such as your hardware performance (graphics card and driver), the size of the Scene View, and the size of the model. When working with truly large supermodels in Autodesk Navisworks, you will require a sufficient amount of RAM to load and review the data.

Autodesk Navisworks employs JetStream technology which optimizes the usage of the available RAM. Before running out of memory, Autodesk Navisworks pages unnecessary data to the hard disk, freeing up space for loading to continue. JetStream technology also enables you to start navigating the supermodel, before it has been completely loaded into memory.

Tip: You can reduce the amount of drop-out during navigation by reducing frame rate, or switching off the Guarantee Frame Rate option.