Supported CAD File Formats

See the following table for the native CAD file formats you can open in Autodesk Navisworks without having the CAD applications installed on your machine.

Format Extension
Autodesk Navisworks .nwd, .nwf, .nwc
Autodesk .fbx
AutoCAD .dwg, .dxf
CATIA V4 .model, .session, .exp, .dlv3
CATIA V5 .CATPart, .CATProduct, .cgr
CIS/2 .stp, .step
DWF .dwf
IFC .ifc
IGES .igs, .iges, .ige
Inventor .ipt, .iam,. ipj
JTOpen .jt
MicroStation (J, V8, XM) .dgn, .prp, .prw
NX .prt
OBJ .obj
Parasolid .x_b, .x_t, .xmt_txt
PDS Design Review .dri
Pro/ENGINEER .prt, .asm, .g, .neu
Rhino .3dm
RVM .rvm
SAT .sat, .sab, .smt, .smb
SketchUp .skp
SmartPlant 3D .vue
SolidWorks .prt, .sldprt, .asm, .sldasm
STEP .stp, .step, .stpz, .ste
STL .stl
VRML .wrl, .wrz
3D Studio .3ds, .prjv