To Start Autodesk Navisworks with a Command Line Switch

To start the program with a command line switch

  1. Right-click the program icon on the Windows desktop. Click Properties.
  2. In the Autodesk Navisworks Properties dialog box, Shortcut tab, in the Target box, edit the parameters for the switch using the following syntax:

    “drive:pathname\roamer.exe” [switches] [“file”] [“file2”] [“fileN”], where [switches] are the valid command line switches in any order, and [file1]...[fileN] are the files to be loaded and appended together, if required. You must provide the full file paths within quotation marks.

    Example 1: Enter: “D:\ Autodesk Navisworks\roamer.exe " -log "D:\temp\nw_log.txt" "D:\temp\a.nwd" "D:\temp\b.dwg" .

    Example 2: The following entry starts the program from a folder named Autodesk Navisworks in Russian language, loads the global options file options.xml, and creates a log file log.txt.

    "C:\Autodesk Navisworks\roamer.exe" -options "C:\temp\options.xml" -lang ru-ru -log "C:\temp\file.log"

  3. Click OK.