To start the program with a command line switch
“drive:pathname\roamer.exe” [switches] [“file”] [“file2”] [“fileN”], where [switches] are the valid command line switches in any order, and [file1]...[fileN] are the files to be loaded and appended together, if required. You must provide the full file paths within quotation marks.
Example 1: Enter: “D:\ Autodesk Navisworks\roamer.exe " -log "D:\temp\nw_log.txt" "D:\temp\a.nwd" "D:\temp\b.dwg" .
Example 2: The following entry starts the program from a folder named Autodesk Navisworks in Russian language, loads the global options file options.xml, and creates a log file log.txt.
"C:\Autodesk Navisworks\roamer.exe" -options "C:\temp\options.xml" -lang ru-ru -log "C:\temp\file.log"