To Color-code Models by Property Values

To color-code model by property values

  1. Open the Appearance Profile dialog.
  2. Click the By Property tab in the Selector area.
  3. Use the fields provided to configure the object selection criteria for your selector.
  4. Click Test Selection. All objects that satisfy the criteria are selected in the Scene View.
  5. If you are satisfied with the results, use the Appearance area to configure the color and transparency overrides for your selector.
  6. Click Add. The selector is now added to the Selector list.
  7. Repeat steps 3 - 6 until you have added all required selectors. Remember, the order of selectors in the list is important.
    Tip: If you use your first selector to override the color of the entire model to gray with 80% transparency, other color overrides will stand out more.
  8. Click Run. The objects in your model are now color-coded.