Product-Specific Navigation Tools

The navigation bar and SteeringWheels provide you with access to a set of product-specific navigation tools in 2D and 3D workspaces.

In Autodesk Navisworks 2022, legacy navigation tools have been discontinued. For some navigation tools you switch back to the legacy (or 'classic') behavior. See the table below for more details.

Legacy tool Replaced by 2D? Can be switched back to legacy?
Pan Pan Yes No
Zoom Zoom Yes No
View All Zoom All Yes No
View Selected Zoom Selected Yes No
Zoom Box Zoom Window Yes No
Orbit Orbit No Yes
Examine Free Orbit No Yes
Turntable Constrained Orbit No Yes
Look Around Look No No
Focus - - -
Walk Walk No Yes
Fly - No -

Customizing Tools Behavior

For the navigation bar, you can use Options Editor to toggle between standard and legacy behavior for Orbit and Walk tools.

Control Navigation Realism

You can use Collision, Gravity, Crouch, and Third Person View to enhance your navigation experience in a 3D workspace.

Tip: Use a combination of Collision, Gravity, and Crouch with the Walk tool. This allows you, for example, to walk up and down stairs and walk under low objects.