Display Page

Use the options on this page to adjust the display performance.

2D Graphics

2D Rendering
You can choose between fixed and view dependent 2D rendering. Select from the following options:
  • Fixed - the drawing is generated as it would be for printing based on a fixed paper size. As you zoom in and out of the drawing the line patterns maintain the same relative size and spacing as if you were zooming in and out of a rendered image. This option gives the highest performance and uses the least memory.
  • View Dependent - the drawing is re-generated whenever the view changes. As you zoom in and out of the drawing the line patterns are recalculated and may adjust the relative size and spacing of dashes. This option gives the lowest performance and uses the most memory.
Level of Detail
You can adjust the level of detail of your 2D graphics, which means you can trade off between the rendering performance and 2D fidelity. Select from the following options:
  • Low - gives you lower 2D fidelity, but better rendering performance.
  • Medium - gives you medium 2D fidelity, and medium rendering performance; this is the default option.
  • High - gives you higher 2D fidelity, but lower rendering performance.


Guarantee Frame Rate

Indicates whether the Autodesk Navisworks engine maintains the frame rate specified on the Speed tab of the File Options dialog box.

By default, this check box is selected, and the target rate is maintained while moving. When movement stops the complete model is rendered.

If this check box is clear, the complete model is always rendered during navigation, no matter how long it takes.

Fill In Detail

Indicates whether Autodesk Navisworks fills in any discarded detail when navigation has stopped.

Graphics System

Hardware Acceleration

Select this check box to utilize any available hardware acceleration on your video card.

If your video card drivers do not function well with Autodesk Navisworks, clear this check box.

Note: If your video card does not support hardware acceleration, this check box is not available.
WPF Hardware Acceleration

WPF is the technology used to load the user interface framework. Select this check box to utilize any available WFP hardware acceleration on your video card.

Note: If your video card does not support WPF hardware acceleration, this check box is not available.
This drop-down box is available when you clear the Auto-Select check box. Select from the following options:
  • Basic - uses Hardware or Software OpenGL.
  • Autodesk - supports the display of Autodesk materials and uses Direct3D or Hardware OpenGL.
Note: 3D models can use either graphics system, Autodesk graphics system is used by default except when working with legacy 3D models that have Presenter materials. 2D sheets can only use Autodesk graphics, and require a graphics card that supports hardware acceleration.
CPU Occlusion Culling

Select this check box to enable this particular type of occlusion culling. Using occlusion culling means that Autodesk Navisworks only draws visible objects and ignores any objects located behind other objects. This improves the display performance when much of the model is not visible. For example, when you're walking down the corridor of a building. Occlusion culling is not used in a 2D workspace.

The CPU Occlusion Culling option is enabled by default, and

  • Uses a spare CPU core to perform occlusion culling tests.
  • Can only be used on a machine with 2 or more CPU cores. Requires CPU with SSE4 for maximum performance.
  • Will not reduce performance even if all of the model is visible (GPU spends all its time rendering the model).
  • Performance improvement depends on size of window - the smaller the window the greater the increase in performance.
GPU Occlusion Culling

Select this check box to enable this particular type of occlusion culling. Using occlusion culling means that Autodesk Navisworks only draws visible objects and ignores any objects located behind other objects. This improves the display performance when much of the model is not visible. For example, when you're walking down the corridor of a building. Occlusion culling is not used in a 2D workspace.

This option is disabled by default. Once selected, it

  • Uses the graphics card to perform occlusion culling tests.
  • Can only be used on a machine with a graphics card that meets Autodesk Navisworks minimum system requirements.
  • Will reduce performance if most of the model is visible (GPU has less time to render model if it has to perform occlusion culling tests).

Heads Up

XYZ Axes
Indicates whether the XYZ Axes indicator is displayed in the Scene View.
Show Position
Indicates whether the Position Readout is displayed in the Scene View.
Show Grid Location
Indicates whether the Grid Location indicator is displayed in the Scene View.
Show RapidRT Status
When show RapidRT option is selected, the render progress label shows the live rendering progress in Scene View.
Font Size
Specifies the font size (in points) of the Heads Up text.


Point Size

Enter a number from 1 through 9 to set the size (in pixels) of points drawn in the Scene View.

Line Size

Enter a number from 1 through 9 to set the width (in pixels) of lines drawn in the Scene View.

Snap Size

Enter a number from 1 through 9 to set the size (in pixels) of snap points drawn in the Scene View.

Enable Parametric Primitives

Indicates whether Autodesk Navisworks dynamically renders parametric primitives during interactive navigation.

Selecting this check box means the level of detail changes during navigation depending on the distance from the camera.

Clear this check box to use the default representations of primitives; the level of detail stays the same during navigation.


Interactive Transparency

Select this check box to render transparent items dynamically during interactive navigation.

By default, this check box is clear, therefore, transparent items are only drawn when interaction has stopped.

Note: If your video card does not support hardware acceleration, selecting this check box can affect display performance.