To Map Global Takeoff Properties

  1. In Quantification, open the Item Catalog.
  2. In the Property Mapping dialog, click Add Mapping Rule . A new row is added to the Property Mapping dialog.
  3. In the Category column, double-click a cell, and from the drop-down menu, select the Category you want to associate with the Takeoff Property. Alternatively, type a Category name to jump directly to the required Category.
    Note: The Categories listed here represent all the Categories associated with your file. Categories are displayed as tabs in the Properties window.
  4. In the Property column, double-click a cell, and from the drop-down menu, select a Property. These properties are the model properties associated with the selected Category.
  5. Click a cell in the Takeoff Property column, and from the drop-down menu, select the Takeoff Property you want to modify.
  6. To delete a Category or Property, click a cell and press Delete.
  7. To delete a row, click Remove Mapping Rule .
  8. Click OK. The updated properties are applied to the file.