
Reference for the Default Keyboard Shortcuts

General Shortcuts
Default Keyboard Shortcut Description
PgUp Zooms to view all objects in the Scene View.
PgDn Zooms to magnify all selected objects in the Scene View.
HOME Takes you to Home view. This keyboard shortcut only applies to the Scene View windows. This means it will only work when this window has focus.
ESC Deselects everything.
SHIFT Used to modify the middle mouse button actions.
CTRL Used to modify the middle mouse button actions.
ALT Turns the keytips on or off.
ALT + F4 Closes the currently active dockable window when it is undocked, or exits the application if the main application window is active.
CTRL + 0 Turns on Turntable mode.
CTRL + 1 Turns on Select mode.
CTRL + 2 Turns on Walk mode.
CTRL + 3 Turns on Look Around mode.
CTRL + 4 Turns on Zoom mode.
CTRL + 5 Turns on Zoom Window mode.
CTRL + 6 Turns on Pan mode.
CTRL + 7 Turns on Orbit mode.
CTRL + 8 Turns on Free Orbit mode.
CTRL + 9 Turns on Fly mode.
CTRL + A Displays the Append dialog box.
CTRL + D Toggles Collision mode. You must be in appropriate navigation mode (that is, Walk or Fly) for this keyboard shortcut to work.
CTRL + F Displays the Quick Find dialog box.
CTRL + G Toggles Gravity mode.
CTRL + H Toggles Hidden mode for selected items.
CTRL + I Displays the Insert From File dialog box.
CTRL + M Displays the Merge dialog box.
CTRL + N Resets the program, closes the currently open Autodesk Navisworks file, and creates a new file.
CTRL + O Displays the Open dialog box.
CTRL + P Displays the Print dialog box.
CTRL + R Toggles Require mode for selected items.
CTRL + S Saves the currently open Autodesk Navisworks file.
CTRL + T Toggles Third Person mode.
CTRL + Y Reverses the last operation performed by the Undo command.
CTRL + Z Reverses the last performed operation.
CTRL + PgUp Displays the previous sheet.
CTRL + PgDn Displays the next sheet.
CTRL + F1 Opens the Help system.
CTRL + F2 Opens the Clash Detective window. This feature is available for Autodesk Navisworks Manage users only.
CTRL + F3 Toggles the TimeLiner window.
CTRL + F3 Toggles the TimeLiner Playback window.
CTRL + F4 Toggles the docking window for the currently active graphics system (i.e. the Autodesk Rendering window ).
CTRL + F5 Toggles the Animator window.
CTRL + F6 Toggles the Scripter window.
CTRL + F7 Toggles the Tilt window.
CTRL + F8 Toggles the Quantification Workbook window.
CTRL + F9 Toggles the Plan View window.
CTRL + F10 Toggles the Section View window.
CTRL + F11 Toggles the Saved Viewpoints window.
CTRL + F12 Toggles the Selection Tree window.
CTRL + HOME Dollies and pans the camera so that the entire model is in view.
CTRL + Right Arrow Play selected animation.
CTRL + Left Arrow Reverse Play selected animation.
CTRL + Up Arrow Record viewpoint animation.
CTRL + Down Arrow Stop playing animation.
CTRL + Space Pause playing animation.
CTRL + SHIFT + A Opens the Animation Export dialog box.
CTRL + SHIFT + C Opens the Export dialog box and enables you to export current search.
CTRL + SHIFT + I Opens the Image Export dialog box.
CTRL + SHIFT + R Opens the Export Rendered Image dialog box.
CTRL + SHIFT + S Opens the Export dialog box and enables you to export search sets.
CTRL + SHIFT + T Opens the Export dialog box and enables you to export the current TimeLiner schedule.
CTRL + SHIFT + V Opens the Export dialog box and enables you to export viewpoints.
CTRL + SHIFT + W Opens the Export dialog box and enables you to export viewpoint report.
CTRL + SHIFT + HOME Sets current view as Home.
CTRL + SHIFT + END Sets current view as Front.
CTRL + SHIFT + Left Arrow Takes you to the previous markup tag.
CTRL + SHIFT + Right Arrow Takes you to the next markup tag.
CTRL + SHIFT + Up Arrow Takes you to the first markup tag.
CTRL + SHIFT + Down Arrow Takes you to the last markup tag.
F1 Opens the Help system.
F2 Renames the selected item, when appropriate.
F3 Repeats the previously run Quick Find search.
F5 Refreshes your scene with the latest versions of currently loaded model files.
F11 Toggles Full Screen mode.
F12 Opens the Options Editor.
SHIFT + W Opens the last used SteeringWheel.
SHIFT + F1 Enables you to get context-sensitive help.
SHIFT + F2 Toggles the Sets window.
SHIFT + F3 Toggles the Find Items window.
SHIFT + F4 Toggles the Find Comments window.
SHIFT + F6 Toggles the Comments window.
SHIFT + F7 Toggles the Properties window.
SHIFT + F10 Opens a context menu.
SHIFT + F11 Opens the File Options dialog box.
Shortcuts for TimeLiner Tasks or Simulate tabs
Default Keyboard Shortcut Description
ESC Cancels the current edits.
F2 Starts editing the selected field.
ANY CHARACTER Starts editing the selected field.
RIGHT ARROW Moves the selection to the next right field, unless the current field is in a tree column that can be expanded. In this case, it expands the row.
LEFT ARROW Moves the selection to the next left field, unless the current field is in a tree column that can be expanded. In this case, it expands the row.
UP/DOWN ARROW Selects the row above/below the current row
SHIFT+UP/DOWN ARROW Extends the selection to the row above/below the current row.
CTRL+UP/DOWN ARROW Moves the current row up/down without changing selection.
HOME Selects the first row.
SHIFT+HOME Extends the selection from the selection anchor to the first row.
CTRL+HOME Moves the current row to the first row without changing selection.
CTRL+SHIFT+HOME Adds the rows from the current row to the first row to the selection.
END Selects the last row.
SHIFT+END Extends the selection from the selection anchor to the end.
CTRL+END Moves the current row to the last row without changing selection.
CTRL+SHIFT+END Adds the rows from the current row to the last row to the selection.
PAGEUP/PAGEDOWN Selects the row one page above/below the current row.
SHIFT+PAGEUP/PAGEDOWN Extends the selection one page up/down.
CTRL+PAGEUP/PAGEDOWN Moves the current row one page up/down without changing the selection.
CTRL+SHIFT+PAGEUP/DOWN Adds one page up/down from the current row to the selection.
* Expands the entire subtree, starting from the current cell. Can also be used to expand Viewpoints.

Shortcuts for Measure Tools panel, including the Lock feature
Default Keyboard Shortcut Description
X Lock to the X axis
Y Lock to the Y axis
Z Lock to the Z axis
P Lock to a point perpendicular to a surface
L Lock to a point parallel to a surface
Enter Quick zoom to measured area
+ Use with Enter key to zoom in to measured area
- Use with Enter key to zoom out of measured area

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