
Snapping gives you control when measuring, moving, rotating, and scaling objects in Autodesk Navisworks.

Snapping works when you are using measure tools or when using transform and animation gizmos.

Points and snap points are automatically snapped to. You can set the cursor to snap to the nearest vertex, edge, or line when you pick geometry. You can also adjust the snapping angle and the snapping tolerance that are used when you rotate geometry.

Different cursors feed back what is being snapped to:

Cursor Description
No snap, but a point on a surface is found.
A vertex, point, snap point or line end is found to snap to.
An edge is found to snap to.
A surface is found to snap to (when using measure tools only).

Geometry in Autodesk Navisworks is tessellated with triangles, and therefore, the cursor snaps to edges that may appear to be in the middle of a face. Consider viewing the model in hidden line mode (Viewpoint tab Render Style panel Mode drop-down Hidden Line )to clarify which vertex or edge the cursor is snapping to.