Properties Palette Interaction with Commands

Applications can enhance their objects' editing commands by establishing two-way communication between the Properties palette and the AutoCAD command line. This communication allows the user to respond to command prompts either in the Properties palette or at the command line, and ensures synchronization between the two. When synchronization is implemented, the user may respond to the current command-line prompt by changing the expected property in the Properties palette. The command line acknowledges receipt of the data and proceeds to the next prompt. Conversely, if the user enters the data at the command line, the property values are automatically updated in the Properties palette.

Synchronization is not limited to object-editing commands. AutoCAD commands that do not require object selection may use the Properties palette to display command properties. An interesting example is AutoCAD's 3DORBIT command. This command uses dynamic properties to populate the Property Inspector's controls with view-specific information, including camera and clipping plane configurations. The user may edit the command's properties either by moving the cursor in the graphics display, by using the context menu, or by directly entering new values in the Properties palette dialog box. No command-line interface is provided.