Entity Linetype Scale

When an entity is first instantiated, its linetype scale is initialized to an invalid value. When the entity is added to the database, if a linetype scale has not been specified for the entity, it is set to the database's current linetype scale value. This database default value is stored in the CELTSCALE system variable.

Linetype Scale Specified Per Entity

If a linetype scale value is specified for an entity, the current database default linetype scale value is ignored.

The setLinetypeScale() and linetypeScale() functions allow you to set and inquire the linetype scale for an entity:

Regenerating a Drawing

When an entity is regenerated, its effective linetype scale is a product of both the entity linetype scale and the global database linetype scale. For nonpaper space entities, the linetype scale is calculated as follows:

effltscale = ent->linetypeScale() * 

If PSLTSCALE is 1, the effective linetype scale is then applied to the appearance of the model space entity when viewed in paper space. If PSLTSCALE is 0, then all linetype scaling is performed with respect to model space views. See the AutoCAD User's Guide for further explanation of linetype scales.