Wall cut distances

Use the Wall cut distances page to control how much excess material is removed around a feature. This is carried out by a series of horizontal passes.

Note: This page is only available if you select a Finish of Walls or Walls and Flats on the Feature finishing page.

Extent — Select how to calculate the limits of multiple passes.

Stepdown — Enter the distance between different machining levels.

Copy stepdown from tool — Click to load the axial depth of cut from the active tool's cutting data. The axial depth of cut is measured along the tool axis.

Note: If you enter the value manually, the button changes to .

Stepover — Enter the distance between successive finishing passes at a single Z height.

Copy stepover from tool — Click to load the radial depth of cut from the active tool's cutting data. The radial depth of cut is measured normal to the tool axis.

Note: If you enter the value manually, the button changes to .

Final Stepover — Select to specify the offset distance for an additional last pass.

— Stepover distance.

— Final stepover distance.

Last pass only — When selected the Final Stepover is only applied to the pass at the final Z height.