To reverse selected holes

Use the Reverse item to reverse the orientation of selected holes. When you reverse holes they are placed in a new hole feature set. A new workplane is created with a Z axis that points in the opposite direction to the original.

To reverse selected holes click Hole Feature Set tab > Holes panel > Reverse.

This example shows you how to reverse selected holes using the retainerplate.dgk model in the Examples folder.

  1. Select the whole model.
  2. From the Hole Feature Sets context menu, select Create Holes.

    This displays the Create Holes dialog.

  3. On the Create Hole dialog:
    1. Select a Create from of Model.
    2. Select Create compound holes.
    3. Select Group holes by axis.
    4. Deselect Edit after creation.
    5. Click Apply.

    PowerMill recognises the selected holes.

    This creates five hole feature sets.

  4. Make hole feature set 1 active and undraw all the other hole feature sets.
  5. Select the holes you want to reverse.

    The selected holes turn yellow.

  6. From the individual Hole Feature Sets context menu, select Edit > Reverse Selected Holes.
  7. The selected holes are reversed. Unless either multi-axis is selected, or all the holes are selected, the reversed holes are placed in a new, automatically created, hole feature set (in this case, it is called 6). A new workplane is created with the Z orientation reversed.

  8. These holes are automatically removed from the original hole feature set.