Use the Smoothing page to smooth changes in the tool axis velocity or angle. This minimises judder on the machine tool.
Original toolpath, no smoothing
Smoothed toolpath
Maximum angular correction limits
Azimuth or elevation
Toolpath distance
This page contains the following:
Elevation — Select how to smooth the elevation angle of the tool axis. An elevation of
aligns the tool with the Z axis, and an elevation of 0
means the tool is in the XY plane.
Blade Sturtz — This option is only available for single blade machining. Select this option to smooth the tool axis automatically. The change in angle will not be more than the Maximum angular correction, unless the angle of the unsmoothed toolpath varies by more than the Maximum angular correction in less than the Smoothing distance. This option makes assumptions about how the part is oriented on the machine and considers the cutter being used, the initial tool axis and the rotary configuration of the machine tool. It automatically selects the appropriate method to smooth the toolpath. To avoid a large change in the tool tip position and hence undesirable toolpaths, this option may avoid maintaining the contact point on the surface if it determines that is the optimal solution.
Maximum angular correction — Enter the maximum angle the smoothed axis may deviate from the initial in the elevation direction. The maximum angular correction angle is only exceeded if the unsmoothed toolpath moves by more than this value in less than the Smoothing distance. In such regions, the angle may change by more than the Maximum angular correction to give a smooth results.
Azimuth — Select how to smooth the azimuth angle of the tool axis. Azimuth is the angle between the
X axis and the projection of the tool in the XY plane.
Maximum angular correction — Enter the maximum angle the smoothed axis may deviate from the initial in the azimuth direction. The maximum angular correction angle is only exceeded if the unsmoothed toolpath moves by more than this value in less than the Smoothing distance. In such regions, the angle may change by more than the Maximum angular correction to give a smooth results.
Smoothing distance — Enter the distance over which to smooth the tool axis movement. When using Stepped on Surface, or with sudden changes in direction in the original toolpath (such as a right-angled corner), you get rapid changes of orientation of the tool axis which leaves dwell marks. To prevent this, the Smoothing distance blends the change in orientation and gives a much improved surface finish.
Rotary axis configuration — The read-only field displays the coordinate system PowerMill uses to define the elevation and azimuth for smoothing the tool axis, if Tool axis smoothing is selected on the strategy dialog's Tool axis page, or on the Tool Axis dialog's Definition tab. To specify which workplane PowerMill uses, select a rotary-axis-configuration option on the Machine tool page of a strategy dialog.