Creating a form tool, shank and holder in PowerShape

You can define a tool, shank and holder in PowerShape and import the entire assembly into PowerMill.

  1. In PowerShape ensure that you have an XY view displayed
  2. Create the shape of the form tool remembering that the first point must be at 0,0. In this case, you must include the return horizontal line at the top of the tool. Form one composite curve and change the colour to yellow:
  3. Create a composite curve for the shank and change its colour to green. In this case, the return horizontal line at the top of the tool is coincident with the horizontal line at the bottom of the shank:
  4. Create a composite curve for the holder and change its colour to red. In this case, the return horizontal line at the top of the shank is not coincident with the horizontal line at the bottom of the holder:
  5. Export as a .dgk file.
  6. Return to PowerMill and click Home tab > Tool panel > Create Tool> Form.
  7. Click the Load Tool Assembly button and import the tool assembly that you have just created.

    The Form Tool dialog is updated with the profile you created.

  8. Click Close. The tool assembly is displayed in the graphics window: