To specify the direction of an item

Use the Direction dialog to edit the direction of an item. A direction is defined in terms of a unit vector.

Click on appropriate dialogs to display the Direction dialog.

You can also use the X Axis Direction, Y Axis Direction, or Z Axis Direction options on the Workplane Editor tab to display the Direction dialog.

This tab contains the following:

Workspace — Select which workspace you are working in.

Align to workspace — Select an axis (of the global coordinate system) to align to the selected workspace. Choose from:

positive X-axis.

positive Y-axis.

positive Z-axis.

negative X-axis.

negative Y-axis.

negative Z-axis.

For example, if you start with this:

The workplane that you are editing.

The active workplane (or the global coordinate system if there is no active workplane).

  1. Click Workplane Editor tab > Edit panel > X Axis Direction.
  2. In the Direction dialog click . The workplane changes to:

    The X axis of the workplane is aligned with the Y axis of the global coordinate system.

  3. In the Direction dialog click . The workplane changes to:

    The X axis of the workplane is aligned with the -Z axis of the global coordinate system.

Align to item — Select an option to determine the direction vector of the item.

Align with view — Click to align the direction vector with the current graphics view.

Align with geometry — Click to align the direction vector so it is normal to the surface at that point.

Align with tool — Click to align the direction vector so it is aligned with the tool axis.

Align with a line — Click to align the direction vector to a user-defined line.

Direction — Enter the I, J, and K coordinates for the unit vector.

Apparent angles — Displays the apparent angle of the unit vector from the XY, YX and ZX plane of the selected Workspace.