Use the Edit Turning Cutting Data dialog to enter and edit the turning cutting data displayed on the Cutting Data tab. Adding cutting data is useful if want to reuse the tool in the future.
To display the
Edit Turning Cutting Data dialog, click
on the
Cutting Data tab of the
Tool dialog, for a turning tool.
The dialog contains the following:
Toolpath Type — Displays the type of toolpath that is cut with the tool. You can specify the toolpath type by using the Toolpath Properties options on the Feeds and Speeds dialog.
Operation — Displays the cutting mode of the tool. You can specify the toolpath type by using the Toolpath Properties options on the Feeds and Speeds dialog.
Tool Properties — This summarises information that is specified Cutting Data tab.
Surface Speed — Enter the speed of the tool during material removal.
Feed — Enter the distance the cutting tool moves into the material per revolution.
Depth of Cut — Enter the depth of cut.