Creating boundaries within other boundaries

This example shows you to create a boundary within another boundary. It uses the Pockets.tri model in the Examples folder.

  1. Create a Block and define a 10 mm ball nosed Tool.

    Ensure the block extends above the top of the model.

  2. Select the fillet around the rectangular pocket.

  3. From the Boundaries context menu, select Create Boundary > Selected Surface.
  4. In the Selected Surface Boundary dialog:
    1. Enter a Name of SelSurface
    2. Click Apply to create the boundary.
    3. Click Accept to close the dialog:

    Required segment

    Segment that must be deleted

  5. To delete the inner segment, select it and click the Del key.

  6. Select the remaining segment.

  7. From the Boundaries context menu select Create Boundary > Shallow to create a Shallow Boundary inside this existing boundary. In the dialog:
    1. Enter a Name of Shallow Pocket
    2. Select Limit Boundary
    3. Select Inside.
    4. Select a Limiting Boundary of SelSurface.
    5. Click Apply to create the boundary.
    6. Click Accept to close the dialog:

    You can see that the shallow boundary has been created within the selected surface boundary.

Note: Similarly, you can create the shallow boundary outside the selected surface boundary by selecting the Outside radio button and clicking Apply:

Note: To create the whole shallow boundary, deselect Limit Boundary and click Apply.