Custom template set

Tip: Avoid customising the default set of templates as you may need it to roll back your changes if something goes wrong; instead, create your own template set first, and then modify it to suit your requirements.

To make a copy of the default template set:

  1. Initially, you must create a new folder for your custom template files. You may call this folder anything you want, for example my_setup-sheets.
  2. Copy the entire content of the original \file\setup-sheets folder into your new my_setup-sheets folder.
  3. Customise the files in your template set as desired. Your set is now ready to use.

To create a new template set:

  1. Initially, you must create a new folder for your custom template files. You may call it anything you want, for example setup-sheets_Department-A.
  2. To use the images from the default template set, copy them from the original \file\setup-sheets folder into your new setup-sheets_Department-A folder.
  3. To use your own images, make sure they have the same file names as the images in the default set, and place them into your new setup-sheets_Department-A folder.
  4. Depending on how you design your HTML templates, you may or may not need a cascading style sheet. If you do need it, you can either copy the original style.css into the setup-sheets_Department-A folder and customise it, or add your own style sheet.
  5. Create your HTML templates, and place them into the setup-sheets_Department-A folder. Your set is now ready to be used.