By default, PowerMill projects use the default Windows temp folder (defined in your Windows System Properties) as the temporary area.
To define a custom PowerMill temporary file area:
- Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties. This displays the System Properties dialog.
- Click the Advanced tab.
- Click Environment variables.
- Click New to add a new variable name and value.
- In the Variable Name field, enter POWERMILL_USER_TEMPDIR.
- In the Variable Value field, enter the path where you want your PowerMill temporary folder to be. For example, E:\PowerMill_Projects\TemporaryFiles.
- Click OK in all open dialogs to save changes and close them.
- Create the temporary folder in Windows to the path where you specified the variable. For example E:\PowerMill_Projects\TemporaryFiles.
Note: If there are any problems with the variable you have specified, PowerMill reverts to the default Windows temporary file area.