Use the options on the Moves and clearances tab of the Toolpath connections dialog to define the parameters of movement and clearance of the tool through rapid links.
This tab contains the following settings:
Other options
Use the options to define the initial retract and final approach moves within rapid links.
Along — Select the orientation of the links.
To use this option contact normals must be stored with the toolpath.
The retract and approach moves are tangential to the toolpath.
To use this option contact normals must be stored with the toolpath.
Minimum retract distance — Enter the minimum length of the initial retract move. The move is automatically extended to avoid gouges and collisions if necessary.
Minimum approach distance — Enter the minimum length of the final approach move. The move is automatically extended to avoid gouges and collisions if necessary.
Automatically extend — Select to extend the retract and approach moves along the specified direction to reach the safe area. This defines the entire retract path to the safe area and the entire approach path from the safe area to be unidirectional.
This toolpath has Retract and Approach Moves set to 0:
This toolpath has Automatically extend selected:
This toolpath has Automatically extend deselected and a Retract and Approach distance of 10:
Retract along tool axis.
Retract normal to the safe plane.
Use the options to define the length and measurement reference of the plunge distance used in skim and incremental links.
Distance — Enter the distance above the start of a toolpath segment to stop a rapid plunge and to start a controlled approach to the toolpath.
Measured from — Select how to measure the specified distance.
This option is available only for area clearance toolpaths.
Use the options to define the position and orientation of the plane used for skim links.
Use with a non-planar safe area — Select this option to use a planar skim surface. This option is only available for toolpaths with spherical or cylindrical safe areas.
Plane — Select an option from the list to define the orientation of the skim plane:
Workplane — Select a workplane to orientate the skim plane from. This option is available only if you select a Plane of Workplane Z.
When the option is deselected, rapid moves are linear and form right-angles with the link moves:
When the option is selected, rapid moves are curved and form arcs with the link moves. The arc radius is controlled by the Arc Radius (TDU) field:
Use the options to place arcs on the corners of link moves as the tool rapids across the part. This avoids sudden changes in direction and is useful when high speed machining.
Arc radius (tool diameter units) — Enter the radius of the arc used to replace the corners.
Use the options to define the clearances used when defining skim links and when adjusting approach and retract moves to avoid gouges..
Axial clearance — Enter a clearance required along the tool axis.
Radial clearance — Enter a clearance required in the tool's radial direction.
Gouge check — Select this option for PowerMill to gouge-check all leads and links.
Apply rapid moves — Click to save your changes and recalculate the first approach, final retract and all links that have rapid moves with respect to the safe area and the new rapid move settings.
Apply — Click to apply the values to the currently active toolpath.
Accept — Click to accept the values on this dialog and closes the dialog.
Cancel — Click to close the dialog without updating the leads and links.