Specifying Dimension for a Rectangular Pocket feature

Name — Enter a name for the feature.

Creation mode — Choose an option to specify how the features are created. Select:

Length — Enter the length of the feature.

Width — Enter the width of the feature.

Draft — Enter the draft angle of the feature. This is an angle incorporated into a wall of a mold, so the opening of the cavity is wider than the base, which allows for easier ejection of the part.

Height — Enter the height of the feature.

Draft offset — When you have specified a Draft angle and a Curve Z value that offsets the feature, choose the type of corner for the offset. Select:

Curve position —Choose an option to specify the position of the profile curve on the feature. When you have specified a Draft angle, the draft is applied from the profile curve position.

Curve Z — Enter a value to specify the height of the profile curve along the Z axis. If you have specified a Draft angle, it is applied by offsetting the curve from this height.

Workspace — Select which workspace you are working in:

Top — Enter a value to specify the position of top of the feature.

Bottom — Enter a value to specify the position of the bottom of the feature.

Unlocked — When displayed, you can edit the value.

Locked — When displayed, you cannot edit the value.

Reset — Click to reset the feature creation parameters to their default values.