Use the NC Program Text dialog to edit existing text blocks and add new ones.
To display the NC Program Text dialog, from the individual NC Program context menu, select Text Blocks.
To enter text, select the text block in the list and enter the text in the bottom pane.
This dialog contains the following:
Name — Enter the name of the text block.
Type — Select the type of text block.
The different types are represented by different icons in the Explorer:
define block ppfun Rotate
A Argument
end define
The NC program output file then contains something like N…A230.
The bottom pane is where you type your text block. You can use variables (such as %[tool.radius]) in the text.
New Text Block — Click to create a text block.
Add Text Block — Click to add the current text block to the current NC program.
Remove — Click to remove the current text block from the NC program.
Copy — Click to copy the text block.
Delete Text Block — Click delete the current text block.
Import — Click to open an existing text block. The Import Text Block dialog is displayed.
Export — Click to save an existing text block. The Export Text Block dialog is displayed.