Analysing Vortex toolpaths

Vortex toolpaths are automatically checked for safety. Vortex checks for:

If the toolpath has none of these issues it is shown as safe (), otherwise PowerMill displays a warning message and is shown as unsafe ().

The warning message details the problems with the Vortex toolpath, for example, the minimum arc radius is too small.

To locate the problem area:

  1. From the individual toolpath menu, select Analyse.

    PowerMill creates separate toolpaths highlighting the problem areas, in this case 1 : Small arcs_1.

  2. Analyse the problem area of the toolpath. You must make some changes to the toolpath settings to resolve the issue. You may find that reducing the Stepover by a small amount solves the problem. It is not advisable to edit the original toolpath by removing the problem areas as this is likely to make the problem worse.
  3. Re-calculate the toolpath to check your changes have resulted in a safe toolpath.