Feed rate reduction

Use the options on this page to reduce the feed rate at the top and bottom of holes. This enables the tool to slow down and approach these regions safely. If the machine tool has a drilling cycle that supports this option, set it up in the option file (otherwise, on the NC Program dialog, select a Drilling Cycle Output of off).

Note: Feed rate reduction is applied to the start of Single peck, Ream, and Counter bore cycle types.

This page contains the following:

Use absolute start/end distances — Select to enter the Hole start > Safety margin and Hole end > Distance as an absolute distance rather than a factor. When deselected a value of 0.2 represents 20% of the hole length. When selected a value of 0.2 represents 0.2 mm. Factors must have a value between 0 and 1.

Hole start — Specifies how to reduce the feed rate and spindle speed at the top of a hole.

Hole end — Specifies how to reduce the feed rate and spindle speed at the bottom of a hole.

Dwell time — Enter the dwell time at each step.