Tool Database Export dialog

Use the Tool Database Export dialog to export a tool to the Tool Database. Adding a tool to the Tool Database is useful if you want to reuse the tool in the future.

To display the Tool Database Export dialog, click on any of the tabs of the Tool dialog.

The dialog contains the following:

Tool Geometry — Select to export the tool tip geometry to the tool database.

Holder Geometry — Select to export the holder geometry to the tool database.

Cutting Data — Select to export the cutting data to the tool database.

Stock Material — Select the stock material that the tool's cutting data refers to. See Cutting Data for information on adding cutting data to a tool.

— Select an existing stock material from the list.

New Stock Material — Select to create a new stock material. This displays the New Stock Material Name dialog.

To create a new stock material:

  1. Click to displays the New Stock Material Name dialog:

  2. Enter a name for the new stock material

    Spaces are not allowed in stock material names. For example, Mild Steel is not a valid name because there is a space in the name; but the names Mild_Steel or MildSteel are valid.

  3. Click .

Tool Family — Displays the tool family the tool belongs to. Tools in the same family and with the same stock material share cutting data.

Export Details — This summarises what is exported to the Tool Database. What is exported depends on the options you select in the dialog.

The Tool ID (on the Cutting Data tab) is exported and not the Name (on the Tip tab). By default the Tool ID is the same as the Name, but youcan edit it so it is different. It is possible to have two different tools with two different Names, but the same Tool ID. If you export a tool with the same name as an existing tool in the database then the existing tool is overwritten.