Position - Between

The Between tab of the Position dialog enables you to construct a line from two points and calculate any point along its length.

This page contains the following:

Workspace — Select which workspace you are working in.

indicates the current point, indicates the other available points. PowerMill cycles through the points as you make selections in the graphics window. Click to make it the current point, the arrow changes to .

Start point — Specifies the coordinates of the start of the line. These coordinates can be either typed or selected from the graphics window.

End Point — Specifies the coordinates of the end of the line. These coordinates can be either typed or selected from the graphics window.

Along the line — Specifies how far along the line you want the point.

Resultant point — Displays the coordinates of the point you create. The resultant point always respect any locks that are set on the Cartesian or Polar tabs. For example, if Z is locked when defining a position, the values of X and Y coordinates correspond to the defined position, but the Z coordinate value remains unchanged.

Length — Displays the length of the resulting line.

The Resultant point, and Length are automatically calculated from the Start point, and End point, and cannot be edited.

Reset all — Resets the Start and End points.

Become origin —The point defined becomes the item origin. Any relative coordinates are then measured from this origin.