Electrode Setup Sheet Control dialog

Display this dialog by clicking in the:

The dialog displays options for the following:

GA Sheet — Select this option to generate a GA sheet and select the name of the GA sheet from the list. Select New GA from the list to enter a new Name. If deselected, the sheet is not generated.

Note: If you open the dialog from Modify Electrode, changing the GA sheet causes the electrode annotation to be moved from one GA sheet to another.

Name — This option is available only if you select New GA from the GA Sheet list. Enter a new name. You must avoid special characters, but may include substitution strings.

The central section of the dialog lists the setup sheets that exist.

For each sheet that is listed, the following apply:

Previous and Next — If you define more sheets than can fit on the central section of the dialog, the Next button becomes active. Click this to show the next selection of sheets. If you then want to view the previous selection, click Previous.

One-off modification — If selected, the changes you have made apply to the current electrode only. If deselected, the changes are applied to future electrodes you create.

If you want the changes to become the default values for all users,

  1. Deselect the option.
  2. Click Save.

    This transfers the file to the shareddb. When the changes are saved, as much as possible of the format of the configuration file (electrode_setupsheets.con) is preserved, so it is safe to use a combination of manual editing and interface to make changes.