An example of using the Solid Doctor

The following model is used to illustrate creating a faultless solid.

  1. Click Home tab > Selection panel > All Surfaces.
  2. Click Solid tab > Create panel > From Items > From Surfaces/Meshes.
  3. Click No to the Make Watertight Wizard.
  4. Click Solid Tools tab > Fix panel > Solid Doctor.

    The Solid Doctor dialog is displayed:

    The first group of faults is selected in the fault tree and displayed on the model.

  5. Select Gaps (1).
  6. Click Extract surfaces around gap and edit them from the Repair Options drop down list
  7. Click Process the selected faults .
  8. Zoom around the gap in the model window and select the 3 surfaces shown below.

  9. Click Delete .
  10. Click Home tab > Selection panel > All Surfaces.
  11. Click Accept on the Doctor Edit toolbar.

  12. Click Tiny faulty surfaces (3).
  13. Click Delete surface(s) from the Repair Option drop down list.
  14. Click Process the selected faults .
  15. Click Re-check the solid for faults .
  16. Click on the Gap label of the fault in the model.
  17. Click Extract surfaces around gap and edit them from the Repair Option drop down list.
  18. Click Process the selected faults .
  19. Click Accept on the Doctor Edit toolbar.

  20. Click Gap 1 in the Fault tree.
  21. Click Fill gap with tangential surface from the Repair Option drop down list.
  22. Click Process the selected faults .
  23. Click Re-check the solid for faults .

    The outer edge of the solid is now marked as a hole.

  24. Click Ignore intentional large hole from the Repair Option drop down list.
  25. Click Process the selected faults .
  26. Click Finish.