Lighting a model

Lights illuminate a shaded image to produce real-life lighting conditions, making the shading and the shadows look more realistic. You can add lights to focus on the main object in a scene to emphasize its importance.

To configure the lights in the shaded view:

  1. Select Visualisation tab > Format panel > Lights to display the Light Studio Selector dialog:

  2. Select an option from the Light Studio Groups list:
    • Standard — These are the default lights used in the modelling views. Standard lights are located at infinity and their directions are specified relative to the camera.
    • SingleSpot — Displays a selection of 8 single spotlight options.
    • TwinSpots — Displays a selection of 8 twin spotlight options.
    • Observer — Spotlights are positioned in the model relative to the current view. When spotlights are positioned and you rotate the view, the spotlights move.
    • Custom — Displays customizable Light Studios as thumbnails. A desk lamp thumbnail indicates an unused light studio.

      To create a custom light studio:

      1. Select a desk lamp thumbnail.
      2. Click Modify to display the Modify Lights dialog.

        Use this dialog to customize the selected Light Studio.

      3. Click OK to save the customized light studio and close the dialog.
  3. Select the direction of the lights from the Light Studios area. Each Light Studio Group option has associated Light Studios options. The default light studio group is Standard; it contains the following light sets:
    • Standard
    • StdLeft
    • StdRight
    • StdCentre
    • StdTop
    • Sky
    • StdPixel
  4. Click OK to accept the changes and close the dialog. The changes are displayed on the object in the graphical window.