Inspecting surfaces

You can inspect a solid, surface or component and display the following inspection data:

To display inspection data:

  1. Select a solid, surface or component. For example:

  2. Tip: You can select more than one item.
  3. Click Visualisation tab > Tools panel > Surface Inspection.
  4. Left-click on a position on the selected surface. The surface normal arrow is displayed, and the draft angle and curvature values of the position are displayed below the cursor:
  5. Select File > Options > Application Options > Tools > Analysis, and use the Surface Analysis page to specify the data that is displayed.
  6. Drag the cursor across the surface to display data at different positions.

    If multiple items are selected, you can drag the cursor from one item to another.

  7. To capture surface inspection data, hold down the left mouse button and press Enter. Repeat to capture data for multiple positions.
  8. Click Visualisation tab > Tools panel > Surface Inspection to turn inspection mode off.
  9. Select the Paste option in any text editor to paste the captured data.
    Note: Data cannot be pasted until Inspection mode is turned off.