Thicken mesh

You can thicken meshes inwards, outwards, or in both directions. The default setting is to thicken in both directions, so that the original item is in the middle.

To thicken a mesh:

  1. Select a mesh.
  2. Click Mesh Tools tab > Triangles panel > Thicken to display the Thicken Mesh dialog:

  3. Enter a Thickness to set the thickness required for the mesh.
  4. Choose the Direction. Select:
    • Inward to apply the whole thickness in the inward direction.
    • Both to apply half the thickness in each direction.
    • Outward to apply the whole thickness in the outward direction.
  5. Select the Copy option to thicken a copy of the mesh and keep the original unchanged.
  6. Click OK to thicken the mesh and close the dialog.