Create curve snapped to mesh

Use this option to create a curve snapped to a mesh:

  1. Select a mesh.
  2. Click Mesh Tools tab > Create panel > Snapped.

    The Create Curve Snapped to Triangles toolbar is displayed:

  3. Select one of the following options to specify the way the curve is created:
    • Select To tolerance to automatically insert additional points so that the curve lies on the triangles to tolerance. The example below is to tolerance 0.01.
    • Select Insert extra points to create a fixed number of points per span. Enter the number of points in Value. If you enter a Value of zero to create a curve with zero breakpoints. The points will lie on the triangles. Spans may not be within tolerance.

      The example below has 3 points per span. In this case, the highlighted area shows that the curve does not follow the triangles as accurately as using To Tolerance.

  4. Click the Insert Discontinuity button to end the current curve at the previous point and start a new curve from the same point. The new curve is non-tangential to the first curve.
  5. Click the Save button to finish the curve.
  6. Close the toolbar to view the curve and the points.