To produce CERTA preset scripts

When using the Export Options page to specify the export options for your electrode, it is possible to produce CERTA preset scripts alongside the standard CERTA QMeasure scripts. Electrodes are machined offset by a defined undersize, but the electrode base is machined with no offset. The CERTA QMeasure script carries out inspection compensating for the undersize, which is not accurate for the base. The CERTA preset scripts facilitate specific inspection of the electrode base, and can also be corrected when exported to PowerInspect.

  1. On the Export Options page of the dialog, select PowerMill in the Export For area, and EDM data-transfer files and Inspection points for PowerInspect from the Include area.
  2. Click the first button to display the EDM Export Selection dialog.
  3. Select the CERTA QMeasure script.

    You can hold down the Shift key to also select your preferred EDM export format.

  4. Click the second button to display the Inspection Points dialog.
  5. Add inspection points as required by clicking on the electrode model in the graphical window.

    For a preset script to be produced, you must define the inspection points in the following order:

    • Three points on each side of the base.
    • At least four points on the top surface of the electrode base.
    • Any other points on the electrode itself.
  6. Click to accept the changes and close the Inspection Points dialog.
  7. Click Finish to export the .trode file and CERTA scripts to your defined Directory to Export To.

When you load your .trode file into PowerInspect, the inspection points defined by the preset script should appear as a separate inspection group with an offset of 0. You can make changes to the inspection points as required and extract a modified script as follows:

  1. After exporting results from PowerInspect, right-click the .trode file.
  2. Select Electrode > Extract Corrected EDM Script > Custom script: CERTA.
    Note: You must have the Electrode Shell Extension installed to extract the modified CERTA script including any changes made in PowerInspect.