When you right-click a component in a Component Library in the Library View Window, the context menu displayed depends on the location of the selected component (in the current model, in the component library, or in an assembly).
The context menus contain a mixture of the following options:
Delete instances — Deletes the components in the model that have been created from this component. The component is also removed from the component library.
Rename — Edit the name of the selected component in the component library.
Information — Displays the Selection Information dialog.
Activate — Activates the assembly containing the selected component.
Add to Assembly — Use this option to position the component using the cursor. The cursor changes shape
and the component graphics appear on the edge of the model window nearest to the cursor. Move the cursor to the required position and click the left mouse button. You can add multiple instances of the same component. When you have added all required components, click
on the Quick Access toolbar.
Add to Assembly Advanced — Use this option to position the component using Insert Axial Component toolbar.
Modify — Use these options to modify the Geometry, Parameters or Properties of the component in the component library. This change affects all instances of the component in all models that use this library.
Tip: Move the cursor over the context menu options to highlight the components that will be modified.
Highlight All Instances — All instances of the selected component are highlighted in the model, and the remainder of the model is dimmed.
Category Name — Opens the Set Category Name dialog, which enables you to set the category name, and change the name that appears on the tab in the Component Library window.
Attributes — Set the attributes of the selected component in the component library. Any changes you make affect all instances of the component in all models that use this library:
Power Feature Target — If selected, the component is a Power Feature target
Sectioned — If selected, revolved components are sectioned when creating a Section View of the assembly in Drafting.
Use Named Attachments Only — If selected, the attachments that are available during positioning operations (drag and drop, creating components on cursor and creating relations using Edit Relationship toolbar) are restricted. If deselected, all attachments are available.
Thumbnail View Direction — Use these options to set the view direction for the thumbnail for the selected item. The default viewing direction is defined on the General page of the Assembly Options.
Rebuild Thumbnail — Updates the thumbnails if components in inactive Component Libraries are added, removed or modified.
Note: Thumbnails of components in the active model are updated automatically.
Add to New Library — Add the selected component to a new library using the Select Library dialog.
Close Parent Library — Close the library that contains the selected component.