To divide solid faces to specify the burn region

In Electrode you can divide the face of a solid to specify the burn region of the electrode. To define where to divide you can use points on the solid face, where laterals and longitudinals meet the edges on the surface, or a pre-existing wireframe object. You can use a composite curve to mark where to divide multiple faces.

Divide a single face

  1. Select the burn region. The area is highlighted.
  2. On the Select Region to Make Electrode page of the Electrode Wizard, click Divide Face.
  3. Click Select face to divide.

    Points where you can divide the solid appear on the face.

  4. If another point is required, click Insert new point , and then click the boundary of the face to insert a new point.
  5. To specify where to divide the solid face, do one of the following:
    • Box select the portion of the solid face to divide. You can use the displayed points as a guide.
    • Click Select first point and click a point. Then click Select second point and click another point.

      The line between the two points shows where PowerShape will divide the solid face.

    • Click Select curve, and then select a pre-existing wireframe object.
    • PowerShape excludes the selected portion from the burn region.

Use a composite curve to divide multiple faces

If you select a composite curve before you select a face to divide, PowerShape divides all the faces in contact with the composite curve. The composite curve can run along lines and curves within the tolerance of the solid, as well as along surface curves.

  1. Sketch a composite curve to define where to divide the faces.
  2. Click Wizard tab > Electrode panel > Create.
  3. Click Divide Face.
  4. Click Select Curve .
  5. Select the composite curve on the model.