Levels and Styles options

Use the Levels and Styles page of the Options dialog to specify the options for object creation levels and styles.

  1. Click File > Options > Application Options > Format > Levels and Styles.
  2. Specify the levels and styles settings for object creation using the following options:

(Main Toolbar Level Selector options are no longer applicable).

Groups and Levels Toolbar

Select one or more of the following options to specify the levels that are displayed in the list on the Status bar. Use combinations of the options to keep the list of levels in the list to a reasonable size, even when there are many levels in a model:

Copying Levels Names

Use these options to specify the copying of level names when items are copied between models. Select one of the following:

Copy level names of items to unnamed level — When copying an item between models, copy its level name if the destination level is currently unnamed. This is the default setting.

Object Creation Levels

This determines which level an object is created on. You can choose from three options.

Separate creation levels — With this option, each type of object can be created on a different level. For example, if you change the creation level of lines to level 4, then all new lines are created on that level. Other wireframe objects such as arcs and curves are still created on the default level.

Grouped creation levels — With this option, if you change the level that an object is to be created on, then all objects of the same group are also created on this level. That is, wireframe objects are grouped together on the same level, solids and surfaces are grouped on the same level. For example, if you change the creation level of surfaces, then new solids are also created on the new level.

All objects have the same creation level — With this option, if you change the level that an object is to be created on, then all new objects are also created on this level. This is the default setting.

Note: This functionality applies only when you change the level that a particular type of object is created on.

Object Creation Styles

Select one of the following options to specify the style used to create an object:

All objects have the same creation style — If you change the creation style of an object, all new objects are also created with that style. This is the default setting.

Note: This functionality applies only when you change the style of a particular type of object.

Example: A model has a level and style with the same name (for example Top); Object Creation Level and Object Creation Style are set to similar options. If you change the creation level of an object to Top:

Object Style and Material

Select the Single colour for line style and material option to make the wireframe and the object material the same colour, when a colour is chosen for either. This option is selectedby default. Deselect this option to enable independent colouring of wireframe and the object material.