Creating a Bézier curve

Create a Bézier curve by entering key points, or coordinates, which PowerShape automatically joins to form the curve. You can then edit the curve to your requirements using the Curve Tools tab.

To create a Bézier curve:

  1. Click Wireframe tab > Create panel > Curve > Bezier.
  2. Specify key points of the curve, by clicking positions in the graphics window, or entering coordinates.

    As you enter key points, a rubber-band curve is displayed showing how the curve is forming.

    Note: You can input key points on surfaces, creating a relationship between the point and the surface.
  3. To force the curve to form a straight span between two key points, do one of the following when you enter the second of these points:
    • Press and hold the Ctrl key while you are clicking the point.
    • Type straight and press enter before you enter the position using the status bar or the Position dialog.
    Tip: To inherit the tangency from an existing curve, hold down the Shift key when you click a point. The tangency before and after the new point matches that of the position clicked on the underlying curve.
  4. To finish creating the curve, do one of the following:
    • Click on top of the last key point entered. If the intelligent cursor is enabled, an end symbol is displayed to indicate when clicking completes the curve.
    • Click the first key point to create a closed curve. The image on the right shows the icon that is displayed over the start point of the curve indicating the point of closure .

    • Click on the Quick Access toolbar.
    • Choose another option from the Wireframe tab > Create panel.

    The curve is now ready to edit to your requirements.