Circle tab

Use the Circle tab of the Position dialog to measure the dimensions of an arc using three points.

Workspace — Select the workspace you are working in. The available options are:

Current plane — Use this drop-down list to select one of the three principal planes. The current plane is relative to the selected Workspace option.

Start Point — Enter the start point of the arc or click on a point on the model to enter its coordinates. This point is displayed in pink on the screen (using the default colour scheme).

End Point — Enter the end point of the arc or click on a point on the model to enter its coordinates. This point is displayed in pink on the screen (using the default colour scheme).

Mid point — Enter the mid point of the arc or click on a point on the model to enter its coordinates. This point is displayed in pink on the screen (using the default colour scheme).

Centre Point — The coordinates of the centre point of the arc are displayed.

Reset — Click this button to reset the values on the page.

Radius — The radius of the arc is displayed.

Diameter — The diameter of the arc is displayed.

Become origin — Click this button to position the origin at the coordinates specified in the dialog. Any relative coordinates are measured from this origin.

Apply — Inputs the position. If the current operation allows multiple points, the dialog remains displayed ready for you to enter more points. Otherwise, the dialog is closed.

OK — Inputs the position and closes the dialog.

Cancel — Aborts the position entry.

Tip: When you have opened the Position dialog in creation mode, clicking OK places the cursor in the circle centre.