Use the
Line Styles page to specify default styles used with lines in views:
Use surface colours (Hidden View) — The surfaces in the hidden view use the same colour as the wireframe of the original surface.
Visible — Use the drop-down list to select the style of the visible lines in the hidden view.
Hidden — Use the drop-down list to select the style of the hidden lines in the hidden view.
Outline — Select a style to be applied to the outside edges detected in a hidden view. For the selected style to be applied, the
Detect outline option on the
Hidden Views page of the
Options dialog must be selected.
Internal — Use the drop-down list to select the style of the internal edges in the hidden view. An internal edge is an edge that lies between faces that are tangent continuous.
Section Cut — Use the drop-down list to select the style for the geometry that lies on the section plane.
Set style — Click to display the
toolbar, where you can customize your own style each of the
Styles options.
Style changes are made the current style and are applied to the current selection.