Heel grading wizard

The Heel Grading wizard enables you to produce a series of graded heels from a single heel.

To use the Heel Grading wizard:

  1. Select the model to be graded.
  2. Select Wizard tab > Grading panel > Heel > Heel.

    The Select Faces dialog is displayed:

  3. Select the top faces of the heel in your model.
  4. Click OK.

    The Heel Grading dialog is displayed.

  5. Use the following options on the dialog to define the heel grading:

    In the Scaling File list, select a grading file.

  6. Click Save to save the modified grading file as a .csv file. Save the grading table to the shareddbfolder that is typically stored in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk.

    If you subsequently display this dialog, the saved grading file is included in Grading file list. The grading table is saved as PSGRADE_HEEL_xxxx.csv, where xxxx is your filename.

  7. Choose a Grading definition option to specify how scaling factors are expressed in the Scaling Table. Select:
    • Increments to specify the grading increments by measurement.
    • Scale factors to specify grading incrementby scaling factors relative to the Nominal Size of the shoe.
  8. Select a standard — Select a standard from the list. The standards files contain the definition of width fittings and are stored as .csv files, typically in: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\PowerShapexxxxx\file\grading

    where xxxxx is the version number of PowerShape and C is the disk on which PowerShape is installed.

    The names of the standards files have a prefix of PSGRADESTND_. You can create your own standard or customise an existing one. Save customised standards files in the shareddb folder with a filename that takes the form PSGRADESTND_name.csv.

  9. In the Destination list, select:
    • Current model to save sizes to existing model and levels.
    • Note: Although this option enables you to see all sizes together, the output can look cluttered when you generate lots of sizes.
    • New Model to save each size as a new model. The model name takes the form Graded_size_XX.shoe where XX is the shoe size.
    • Current Model Same Location to save graded heels to the current model and the same location.
  10. In the Sizes area, enter the details of the size range you want to produce:
    • Smallest Size — Enter the size of the smallest last to create.
    • Largest Size — Enter the size of the largest last to create.
    • Nominal Size — Enter the shoe size that you want to base the grading on.
    • Main Step — Enter the step size for the shoe sizes. For example, to create shoe sizes 10, 10.5, and 11, enter 0.5.
    • The following options are available only if the Increments option is selected:
    • Smallest Mid Size — Select the narrowest fitting. The values that are available to select are defined by the file that you selected from the Select a Standard list. US options display sizing of AAAA - EEEE. UK options display widths A - H.
    • Largest Mid Size — Select the widest fitting.
    • Nominal Mid Size — Select the standard width fitting that this model represents.
    • Mid Step — Select the step size for the shoe widths. For example, to create shoe widths AA, B, D, and EE, enter 2.
  11. Use the Parameters for Grading area to define the increments or scale factors for grading. Select a dimension from:
    1. Base length
    2. Top length
    3. Height
    4. Rear Overhang: Angle
    1. Base width
    2. Top width
    3. Top slope
    4. Rear Overhang: Length
  12. In the Main box, set the grading increment or scale factor for the main sizes of the selected Dimension.
  13. In the Fit box, enter the grading increment or scale factor for the width fittings of the selected Dimension.
  14. Use the Scaling Table to view all the grading and sizing information for the range of sizes. Double-click on a table cell to edit its value. The grading table has the following columns.

    Scale — This column indicates whether the size is defined by grading. Any shoe size that is defined by grading is denoted by Yes by default, except the Nominal Size. To omit a particular size, double-click on the grade cell for the size row and select No.

    Size — This column displays every size that falls in the range defined in the Sizes section.

    Dimensions — Each of the heel dimensions has a column.

  15. Click OK to create the grading and close the dialog, or Cancel to close the dialog without saving changes.