Piping Connection Settings - Joint Setup (Plant 3D DWG Settings Tree Node)

Sets up simple and compound joint types. Also sets minimum pipe segment length, connector display settings, and bolt rounding factors.

Note: In AutoCAD Plant 3D 2014 and later imperial-to-metric connections are enabled (or disabled) for each joint type. You can modify joints, or add a new joints to set the imperial-to-metric value.

Simple joints

Imperial to Metric Connection (read-only)

Displays the imperial-to-metric setting for simple joints.


Displays the Add Joint dialog box.


Displays the Modify Joint dialog box.


Removes a simple joint.

Compound joints


Adds a joint using the Setup Compound Joint dialog box.


Modifies a joint using the Setup Compound Joint dialog box.


Removes a compound joint.

Pipe segments

Minimum length

Sets the minimum pipe segment length.

Weld gaps

Use weld gaps

When selected, a weld gap is used for new pipe. Existing pipe does not change.

Gap size

Sets the distance pipe is shortened when connected by a weld joint. This gap displays in the model, and shortens the cut length property.

Weld dots


Sets the size of weld dots and other connector objects (for example: a bolt set, or a threaded joint marker). In the model, welded joints are connector objects that display as a solid circle.


The weld dot diameter sets the display size of all connector objects.

Wafer bolts

Round to the nearest

Increases (rounds up) the bolt length to match this increment. Bolt lengths for wafer joints are calculated to include additional wafer components and gaskets.


Some settings in saved in DefaultConnectorsConfig.xml are not displayed in this dialog box. You can edit the file to specify the following options:


The maximum angle allowed by a piping connection (without cutting back). The default is three degrees which means 4 degrees cannot connect.


The maximum offset allowed by a piping connection. The default is zero which means that connections must be exact (node snap to ports).

Specifies the spec lookup criteria for simple joints. Filter cannot be applied to compound joints.
Note: You can set MatchCondition in the Modify Joint dialog box.

Administrators Guide

The downloads are intended for Administrators and are available in English-only.

tailoring_autocad_pid_and_plant_3d.pdf (pdf). See Joints on page 122.