By controlling the display of dockable windows and toolbars, locking the position of toolbars and dockable windows, and using two monitors, you can optimize your drawing environment.
Many windows, such as the Project Manager, the tool palettes, and the Data Manager, are dockable. Each window can be docked, anchored, or floating.
Commands for changing the display of dockable windows are available on a shortcut menu. You can change the following options for dockable windows:
You can display or hide toolbars and control whether they are docked or floating in the drawing area.
A docked toolbar is attached to any edge of the drawing area. You can resize, and reposition undocked toolbars.
After you have arranged toolbars and windows the way you want to display them, you can lock their positions. Locked toolbars and windows can still be opened and closed, and items can be added and deleted.
You can use the keyboard to access the Application Menu, Quick Access tool bar, and ribbon.
Press the ALT key to display shortcut keys for common tools in the application window.
When you select a keytip, more keytips are displayed for that tool.
To create a larger drawing space, you can use two monitors. For example, you can use one monitor to display the drawing area, while the other monitor displays the tools for working in the drawing area such as the tool palette, Project Manager, Data Manager, and so on.
For more information about setting up dual monitors, see the instructions provided with your monitors.