To work with filters in the Data Manager

You can view all items or only selected items, or you can filter the data based on specific field values or value ranges. You can view only records for those Plant objects that are selected in the drawing. In other words, selections you make in the drawing determine what is displayed in the Data Manager.

Filters apply to each view, each user, and each session, so when you switch views or open a new drawing, your filters are saved. You can easily remove or apply filters to any view, or apply multiple filters simultaneously.

To view only items selected in the data table

  1. On the ribbon, click Home tab Project panel Data Manager.
  2. In the Data Manager, in the drop-down list, click the appropriate data view.
  3. In the tree, click the node you want to display.
  4. In the data table, right-click a cell that contains the value whose data you want to filter. Click Filter By Selection.

To view all items except items selected in the data table

  1. On the ribbon, click Home tab Project panel Data Manager.
  2. In the Data Manager, in the drop-down list, click the appropriate data view.
  3. In the tree view, click the node you want to display.
  4. In the data table, right-click a cell that contains the value you want to exclude from the filtered view. Click Filter Excluding Selection.

To filter by field values and ranges of values

  1. On the ribbon, click Home tab Project panel Data Manager.
  2. In the Data Manager, in the drop-down list, click the appropriate data view.
  3. In the tree view, click the node you want to display.
  4. In the data table, right-click a cell for the property where you want to set a filter.
  5. In the Filter For box, enter a value for the filter. You can use the following conditions individually or concurrently:

    Surround a string entry with single quotation marks (‘). Entries are case-sensitive.

    Conditions (can be used cumulatively) Purpose Examples
    Angle brackets (< >) to display values not equal to your entry
    • <> ‘700’ displays only rows with cells containing strings other than 700
    • <> ‘’ displays rows with cell data not equal to an empty string, thus eliminating rows with empty cells
    Percent (%) to display any sequence of zero or more characters in its place Like ‘%SCH40' displays ASCH40, BSCH40, ABSCH40, ABCSCH40, and so on
    Underscore (_) to display any single character in its place Like ‘_SCH40' displays ASCH40, BSCH40, ZSCH40, and so on
    Equal signs (=) to display values that match your entry = ‘Bosch’ displays only cells containing the string Bosch
    IS NULL to display only empty cells Displays only rows with empty cells
    IS NOT NULL to exclude empty cells Displays only rows with data
  6. Press ENTER.

To view data for selected objects in the drawing

  1. On the ribbon, click Home tab Project panel Data Manager.
  2. In the drawing, select the objects whose data you want to view.
  3. In the Data Manager, on the toolbar, click Show Selected Items.

To remove all filters in the current data view

  1. On the ribbon, click Home tab Project panel Data Manager.
  2. In the Data Manager, in the drop-down list, click the appropriate data view.
  3. In the data table, click a cell.
  4. Click Remove Filter.