To Generate a Quick Isometric Drawing

  1. On the ribbon, click Isos tabIso CreationQuick Iso.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In the drawing area, select the objects that you want to include in the Quick Iso.
    • Press L to select one or more line numbers.
  3. In the Create Quick Iso dialog box, Iso type list, click the Iso Style you want to create.
  4. To select a different output directory, under Output Directory, click the [...] button and click a folder. Click Open.
  5. To publish DWF files from the Iso drawings, select Create DWF.
  6. If you want to overwrite previously generated Quick Iso files for current isometric style, select Overwrite if Existing.
  7. Click Create.

    The dialog closes and Isometric drawings are created in the background. You can monitor Iso creation in the status bar.

  8. After some time, an Isometrics Creation Complete balloon message displays.
  9. Click in the balloon to display Isometric Creation results and open the isometric drawing.
  10. Note: Quick Iso drawings are not added to the project and are available during the current session only.