Member Definition - Parameters (ENV 1995-1:1:1992 NAD Finland)

Use this option to define parameters of the timber member type for the ENV 1995-1:1:1992 NAD Finland code.

There are two ways to access this option:

The following dialog displays:

The name of a selected member type displays in the Member type field (any member type name may be specified in this field). The fields: Buckling (Y axis ) or Buckling (Z axis) defines the member length in the appropriate plane. There are two ways to define this length:

Choose the Coefficient option to simultaneously define members of different actual lengths, e.g. additional supports equally spaced. If the set parameters are to be saved as a category, it is necessary to enter the length. Entering a value of 1.0 will guarantee that each member (defined using the category as Ly) will have its actual length accepted.

The Buckling Length Coefficient field defines the buckling length coefficients of a member in both directions. The actual member length (or the sum of component member lengths) is entered automatically in the appropriate fields.

The buckling length coefficient depends on the support conditions of member end nodes in the buckling plane. The buckling length of a member is defined in the Buckling Type Diagrams dialog opened by clicking the icon which represents schematically the selected buckling model type of a member. It contains typical support types of a timber member defined by the code; once selected, the coefficient value is accepted or calculated automatically. Buckling is always considered in calculations if a compression force appears in the member, even if it is negligible in comparison to the other internal forces. A separate analysis is not performed that would determine if buckling effects should be disregarded. To eliminate buckling effects from the calculations, the last icon must be chosen. If selected, buckling will be disregarded in the calculation process.

The Lateral Buckling Parameters field enables selection of options used in verification of the member lateral buckling: lateral buckling type, load level and lateral buckling length coefficient. Clicking an appropriate icon opens the dialog where the appropriate parameters are defined.

The Lateral Buckling Type option determines the appropriate code-specific parameters of lateral buckling depending on the static member model. According to the code requirements, one of the models included in the code should be accepted. Models in the form of icons reflect precisely the corresponding code positions. The last icon indicates that the lateral buckling effects will be disregarded in calculations.

Lateral buckling calculations require that distances between the member sections protected against torsion, i.e. lateral buckling length, be specified. Since the upper or lower flange may be supported separately and there may occur compressive stresses in upper or lower flange for different load cases, two lateral buckling lengths are distinguished. Specify the coefficient by which the base member length should be multiplied to obtain the lateral buckling length. lz is assumed to be the base length. The coefficient is defined either by specifying its value directly or by selecting the icon representing a typical support for which the coefficient will be chosen automatically.

At the bottom of the dialog is the list allowing selection of a service class which depends on the material humidity and relative air humidity.

Note: The symbols included in the dialog are explained in the Results dialog (the Detailed Results tab).The dialog contains definitions of all the parameters assumed for timber member calculations and the result values obtained after member calculations.

Click the More button. In the new dialog, define the remaining member type parameters determined in the code, such as: load type, section parameters, humidity change, etc.

Click the Service button. In the new dialog, define member type parameters (limit displacements, camber, etc.).

Click the Other button. In the new dialog, define additional verification for members subjected to bending.

Click the Fire button. In the new dialog, define the fire resistance parameters of a member type.

Clicking the Add button adds the member type with a defined name and parameters to the list of previously defined timber member types.