Buckling Types

Use this dialog to define buckling length of members for the Russian code SP16.13330.2017.


Dialog elements

Select one of the icons with the appropriate end support to automatically specify the buckling length coefficient.

Typical buckling types
Typical buckling types are based on the code methods of member support and their corresponding buckling coefficient values.
Buckling coefficients , ,
Buckling coefficients are used for the calculation of columns of multi-story frames. They can be used for one, three and six adjoining members.
Note: Click any of the buckling length coefficient icons to open the Adjoining Member Parameters dialog.
Ignore buckling
Select this icon to ignore the buckling effects during the calculation process.
Note: If you don't select this option, buckling is always considered during the calculations when a compressive force acts on a member, even if it is negligible in relation to other internal forces.
Automatic buckling length
Calculates the buckling length of a column according to the automatic procedure
Internal bracings
Opens the Internal bracings dialog, which allows you to define the parameters of lateral stiffening.
This option allows you to consider bars with internal bracings during the calculations. Internal bracings include: lateral stiffening of the analyzed bars, or limiting the buckling length.