
Use the option to define slabs in a structure; to define a slab, you must specify:

You can access the option using either method:

The following dialog displays then.

The dialog has 4 parts:

When the Slab dialog is fully opened, then clicking one of the 3 buttons (Definition Method, Geometry, or Parameters) minimizes the corresponding part of the dialog so it displays only the options used at a given time. When the window is minimized, clicking one of the button extends the dialog.

Options for defining slab properties are in the Properties pane.

Definition method selects a method of defining a slab (Contour, Rectangle or Circle); selecting one of these options determines a definition method. When Horizontal slab is selected, slabs are defined in the XY plane. After defining the first point of the slab geometry, the XY plane is set and the Z coordinate is defined for the beginning point. Next nodes of a slab must have exactly the same Z coordinate as the beginning point.

Geometry defines an object selected in Definition Method. Options in the Geometry pane depend on the option selected in Definition Method.

The Parameters pane has several options.

In the Arc discretization field are additional options to specify discretization parameters for defined arcs of contours or polylines.

If Arc discretization is cleared, an arc is created using the analytical method.

If selected, you can define parameters of division for a defined arc:

When the Corner fillet option is selected, slab corners are rounded and a value for the fillet radius can be specified in the Radius field.